Tuesday, April 26, 2011

All I want is Android 2.3, OK?

We wrote a blog last summer on ‘what it means to be truly mobile’ and it remains the most-read blog to date. We certainly got people’s attention on the value of being productive while mobile. What that blog did not highlight, however, was the incredible confusion you can get going into a mobile store for a new device - whether it’s a smartphone, tablet or- God forbid- an ordinary phone! I got this ‘hitting the wall’ confusion yesterday when I went to get an Android phone.

Does this sound familiar? Either we’re at the end of our contract and are ‘worthy’ of getting a new device, or we’ve had it up to our ying-yang with poor service and we’re switching to another carrier. We’re pretty sure we know what we want because we’ve been using cell phones a long time and/ or friends have convinced us of something new anyway. Well, get ready for the store ‘Sales Associate’ to derail your well-thought decision because you’re going to be blasted by FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt).

The problem is that the Sales person is really not that concerned about your intentions. I walked in to buy a specific Android 2.3 software device that I called about earlier and was told they had in stock. What I got was the following:

• Walking into the rather narrow, long store, there was a row of devices on the left (including my Android of choice), a middle row with devices on both sides (RIM and Motorola) and a third row of less worthy to the right. By my estimate, about 50 devices. The first device, strategically positioned was the iPhone. No surprise here, they sell the most. With uncertainty starting to happen, I’m glad that I think I know what I want.

• In the middle row, there were 3 Sales Associates and a vendor (?) hovering over a gorgeous Motorola XOOM tablet and showing it right beside the new RIM Playbook that wasn’t working (sorry RIM, it was a ‘software glitch’ and they couldn’t get it working). “Can I help you sir?”

• When I asked for the Android 2.3 device I called about, the Sales Associate tried to get me over to the middle row with Motorola devices. The Associate wanted to convince me on the merits of a new Motorola that could work even when immersed in water. Editor’s note- either this guy has a retention span of .5 seconds or he’s being commissioned by the Motorola guy. Do I really need a ‘waterproof’ 2.3 Android?

• I’m pretty convinced I want what I came in for but he keeps trying other more expensive devices. How about an HTC- they’re moving fast…

• Give me the damn 2.3 Android buddy, I know what I want!

• He reluctantly goes to the back of the store to get me what I asked for- except the 6 in-stock 2.3 devices were really only 2.2. “Would you like a different 2.3 brand sir?”

I think you get the drift. I got propositioned for other stuff I really had no interest in. Why do they try and confuse us? I’m really glad that here at hereiammobile, we work with our clients to develop solutions tailored to your specific requirements. It’s scary that there is so much confusion out there. Happily, I got my Android- except it’s a 2.2- but it works beautifully. And one more thing about hereiammobile- any phone works with hereiam™!


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