Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Do you have a Mobile Strategy?

For a lot of us, the idea of working in an office and clocking 9- 5 workdays are long gone. Workers are very mobile and supporting their requirements while on the road is as important as the business tools available in the office. To be successful in business, you certainly need a great product and superior customer service. But what can really set you apart in the market is a mobile strategy that optimizes the communication flow in the company and with your clients in the marketing, selling and supporting of the product. So do yourself a favour and everyone in your organization- develop a mobile strategy that differentiates yourself from your competition.

Start by mapping out your business flow and communication flow including the devices, carriers and technologies that you use and/or would like to look at. The benefits of developing a mobile strategy is that it articulates for the organization a clear understanding and direction for what to use and how to maximize the tools available for doing business better:

A mobile strategy includes business flow and looking at what workers use most and why. Being able to access all forms of communication, anytime, anywhere can be a key strategic differentiator. hereiam™ offers this and more for the mobile worker.

To build a proper strategy you need to-

· Talk to your employees AND clients to get an understanding of how they collaborate
· Map out the business objectives you’re trying to achieve
· Outline the strategic steps you will take aligning how you work today and how you’d like to work
· Select technology that fits your people and objectives

At hereiammobile, one of our core values is to work with our clients and develop solutions tailored to their business requirements. We try hard to be nimble and responsive to your needs. What we do best is work with you to help make doing business better when out of office and we design solutions specific to your business requirements.

Our clients tell us that a well executed mobile strategy can directly impact revenue and employee satisfaction. We can help by specifically addressing the mobile worker and recommend the tools and features required.

In today’s competitive environment, staying close to your customers can be the difference between success and failure. A mobile strategy can significantly differentiate you from your competitors while providing the right tools for your workers when mobile. So please do yourself and your company a favour and develop a mobile strategy and most important- follow through on those recommendations.


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