Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mobility Will Top IT Agendas in 2012

Workers being more mobile and the demands for new tools and capabilities to work better will be a top agenda item in IT for 2012. The growing bring-your-own-device trend taking hold around the world with Tablets as well as users now demanding that their personal smartphones be part of how they work, unfortunately, makes it more confusing. It will be increasingly important for IT to better understand how employees work and the tools they need to work better. Cost savings and productivity gains will drive this- so also will all the new capabilities that continue to hit the market with various iterations of tablets, smartphones and ultra-pcs.

However, it is the combinations and permutations of these different devices, the different carriers and the unique needs of individuals that make a ‘universal’ solution highly improbable. What are the key features that your workers use daily? What would they like to have to do business better? Is there a common feature set that could be packaged specifically for any of these groups? What is offered in the market- what is missing, what is needed?

To be successful in business, you certainly need a great product and superior customer service. But what can really set you apart in the market is a mobile strategy that optimizes the communication flow in the company and with your clients in the marketing, selling and supporting of the product. The kind of work that employees do when mobile is quite different than the work in the office and a qualitative analysis of what they use and what they’d like to have will give you a snapshot of the kind of tools needed. 

To successfully mobilize your organization, you need an integrated strategy that takes people, processes and technologies into consideration. A mobile strategy includes business flow and looking at what workers use most and why. Being able to access all forms of communication, anytime, anywhere can be a key strategic differentiator.  

Our clients tell us that a well-executed mobile strategy directly impacts revenue and employee satisfaction.
We can help by specifically addressing the mobile worker and recommend the tools and features required. That’s what we do very well and we can help you evaluate what is needed to make you successful. In today’s competitive environment, staying close to your customers can be the difference between success and failure.    


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