Monday, September 24, 2012

Why it’s Important to be Truly Mobile

We wrote a blog a while back on the importance of being truly mobile and it remains one of our most read blogs to date. Fast forward a few years and what’s changed? For one, there has been an enormous increase in smartphones and tablets and major changes in the mix. Blackberry users in business have left in droves for Android and iPhones and these smartphones have changed the way we do business. Texting is on the increase in addition to email and web access using your smartphone versus waiting for access on your laptop or computer. Certainly tablets are being adopted in almost every business area and although not a laptop replacement, tablets are a companion for Internet accessibility and other business functions that users had to have computers for in the past.

Having said this, even with these smartphones and tablets, there are still some pretty basic needs that must be met to stay competitive and close to your customer. We thought it worthwhile to highlight the same questions we asked a while back when writing about the importance of being truly mobile:

Are you as close to your customer as you need to be?
Are you saving money?
Can you be more productive and effective?
Are there additional tools that are available to you?

Consider these examples. Have you often found yourself in a situation where you needed to write down something very important, but you were either waiting to get onto an airplane, or just getting into a rented car or you had just come out of a meeting without pen and paper handy? There’s value in being able to jot something down quickly (using voice and automatically being converted to text) instead of trying to remember. It’s the time factor in execution and the sooner it is done, the more productive and efficient you are. Are you confronted with the limitation of holding off on long distance calls when travelling because of exorbitant rates? Is there value in calling someone no matter where you are and knowing you have the best competitive rates in the market? And Conferencing- being able to conference anytime, anywhere and with as many people as you need- is this of value when you’re out of the office?

hereiam offers a set of business functions at a price point not seen before:
 -free long distance in North America, no roaming charges travelling in Canada and Internationally, and you can call contacts in Canada while abroad for the cost of a local call
-special voice recognition to read you your emails and take dictation; and the smartphone app gives you one button access for managing calls and conferencing with driving safety is built in
-'Talk to Me' does emails, dictation, and calling in a single session (all voice controlled); hereiam sets up Conferencing for up to 50 callers and a Personal Toll Free Number to your cell is included.

It is the integration of these business features on one platform that will make you really mobile.
With hereiam, you can ‘listen’ to your emails being read to you while on the go and reply by voice and this is instantaneously converted to email and sent back to your client. This is being close to your customer. Or when you’re out of town, the idea of being able to call in to hereiam, compose an e-mail by voice, and having it transcribed to text and e-mailed to anyone in your contact list is a real value in staying close to your clients. You can call, email, conference and text all in one session which saves time, money and hassle.

There are a lot of technologies and capabilities for the mobile worker with smartphones and tablets. The good news is that hereiam adds value while saving money with some of the lowest competitive prices in long distance and conferencing available. You just download the hereiam app for your smartphone of choice. This is what is meant by being really mobile.


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