Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Making Media Technologies Work for You

We are pleased to announce a new service called Active Insights™ and our partnership with Blindspot, a company recognized for their Best Practices for using Enterprise Media Technologies in business. Active Insights™ bridges the gap between traditional marketing playbooks and the explosive use of new social technologies applied internally to business. When people talk ‘social technologies’, they think of Facebook or Twitter. But did you know there are other powerful enterprise media tools that can be applied internally in the workplace with measurable ROI, improved communications and reduced operating costs? Our Active Insights™ toolkit has been proven to work across industries including healthcare. Media technology tools applied to business can be breakthrough capabilities for communicating better within your organization, making you more cost effective and allowing you to be more competitive and responsive to your customers. Here are some examples of what enterprise media technologies can do when properly implemented: - A telecom manufacturing client had revenue growth of 10% year over year, but so did the tier 1 one to one call center technical support. An increased capability for customer self-service was needed to ensure the technical support organization not only remained at a sustainable, affordable size and control costs, but could increase its effectiveness as equipment subject matter experts. An assessment was conducted of the technical support tools and processes in place, and recommendations were provided in the areas of documentation Information Architecture, use of internal and external social technologies, and measurement strategies for the technical support organization. The company is currently moving forward in a phased approach, implementing the Information Architecture recommendations, and planning the implementation of the enterprise technology recommendations for peer to peer support. - A government department that drives their economic development strategy wanted a social media strategy to attract and retain commercial investment in the province through business development and related activities. They have several stakeholder organizations as members of the online community including site selection consultancies, communities, and enterprises looking to re/locate. We used our proven methodology, OASIS, to develop specific business objectives, conduct primary and secondary research into the stakeholder community, and develop an implementation strategy and high level project plan/approach. We were able to provide “first hand” feedback on what site selection consultants are looking for and how that can be delivered on-line via an enterprise media strategy. - A property management company with a national portfolio of retail, office and industrial properties wanted to understand how they could work with their retail stakeholders in using social media effectively. We provided our SocialMedia404 Balanced Scorecard, a framework to both plan a social media program, but to also measure what you get out of it. Following a successful session, we were then asked to create a social media strategy for one of their regional properties, a large shopping centre in British Columbia, employing OASIS, our Social Media Balanced Scorecard, to ensure the program is working. We are currently engaged to implement the social media strategy for this property. - A national healthcare organization wanted to know how social technologies could help increase the effectiveness between meetings of their geographically dispersed board of directors, and reduce the cost of producing and distributing massive paper binders for each quarterly meeting. We designed and implemented an online ‘Virtual Boardroom’ where board members could review material for meetings, interact with each other one on one, or in groups, post questions, provide opinions, and have conversations. The Virtual Boardroom received an instant and enthusiastic acceptance by board members, as each individual had the opportunity to electronically zero in on topics and issues of particular importance to them. The board members saw great benefit in being able to target conversations in a private online area, without the nuisance and ineffectiveness of large email threads. There were significant cost savings with elimination of hundreds of pages of binders as well as travel costs. These are just some examples of how Enterprise Media tools can work effectively, save you money and communicate better. We have a proven methodology and framework that helps you define your objectives, understand your audience, develop a strategy, plan the implementation and then manage your on-going role in the conversation. Because we understand business, technology and marketing (we do all three), we will also make sure that you know how you are going to measure your success, and stay on track to meet your goals. We demystify this new world for you, and align specific ways for different media technologies to help you achieve your goals. We’d be delighted to work with you on your own enterprise media initiative; please give us a call.


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