Friday, February 15, 2013

What We Mean By ‘Smart’ Communications

At cpandr Consulting, we help clients communicate better. We do this by looking at new platforms, devices and applications to help them communicate. When we talk to clients, they are intrigued by the idea of ‘smart’ communications because the word encompasses a lot of what business does. You ‘communicate’ when you’re on the phone at work, when mobile, emailing, texting, sending out or receiving information. You communicate with customers by staying in regular contact using phones, tablets and PCs. You can talk smarter by using apps like business intelligence tools. How do you make sure you’re communication smartly? The answers can often surprise you.

We break it all down into two very simple questions. When it comes to deciding on any new platforms, devices or applications that allow you to communicate smarter, you have to ask yourself two simple questions - 1) What is your most important objective?, 2) Who is your most important audience? The answer to the first question will dictate which area of the communication puzzle you should be focusing on, whether it is increasing sales, reducing costs or improving customer service. For example, if it’s reducing costs, chances are that a new platform with new hardware will be out of the question as you won’t be able to justify a major new investment. To reduce costs, you may want to look at your mobile contracts or voice/ data network infrastructure to ensure you are not spending money on things you’re not actually using. In answering the second question, if your most important audience is your employees and you want to increase morale and help reduce turnover, then there are new applications for internalizing social media that may be the best solution above any new smartphone or tablet that you might think would keep them from moving.

At a high level, there are three major areas that help people communicate- platforms, devices and applications and the combinations are complex. The platforms available range from simple phone systems to more advanced unified communication systems integrating voice, fax, email and video. For devices, you have literally hundreds to choose from- basic phones to multimedia systems, mobile feature phones, smartphones, tablets, netbooks and PCs including hybrid tablets/ computers. For applications, if your business primarily uses email and the Internet for communicating to customers, you might just optimize these. But you may want to incorporate more sophisticated systems like business intelligence to better understand your customers buying behaviour. And internalizing social media might significantly improve your communication and collaboration within your company.

It can certainly get confusing and that’s where we can help by working with you to answer those two very important questions- 1) What is your most important objective?, 2) Who is your most important audience? This way, you’re thinking smart about your communication needs.


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